Introspective Thoughts

The Mask

Every morning when you wake up, putting on your best dress and heading out to get on with your life; do you go out with your true self? Or you put on a mask, showing the world what you are not?

The society we live in, the people we hang out with, the culture we grew up with, our surroundings and thousand other factors shaped us in way that made us what we are today. They mould us in a way that seems ‘fit’ and ‘appropriate’ from their perspective. Haven’t we brought up with never-ending dos and don’ts?

There are some of us who fight every day to stay true to themselves, while many of us get lost in the fulfilment of the demand of our environment. We hide our real selves behind the mask created by same demand and the desires, dreams and aspirations are murdered and buried deep in to our hearts. You may fit in the club, but you have already lost the star for the compulsion of fitting in the crowd of stones. You have lost your own shine to blend in the gloom of fake glory. You have lost the chance of standing out in an attempt to fit in. You have lost your ethics and morals for the joy and will of wicked devil in disguise. You have lost yourself to be like everyone else.

And in all this, you know what? You are deceiving not only others, but also yourself.


Let’s give some work out to that part of brain which apparently makes us forget the world by taking us far, far away in the land where fish flies, the trees talk, castles are built on the cloud and you own the place like a boss. Imagine that you are a prince/ princess (choose the role that suits you best). You aren’t allowed to be anything but only a prince/princess. You can’t go out and play, do your hobbies, run around or even be with the friend who lives down the street, in an alley that anyone can miss. All you’re allowed to do is be dressed heavy and full, keep your manners upright and behave in a royal style. Will you be happy?

See, even all the diamonds and luxury can’t make you happy when you’re forced to wear a mask and aren’t allowed to be yourself. So, why sacrifice your individuality and uniqueness when they are far better than being like everyone else. The mask you wear is going to take away your identity and, my dear friend, that is one terrible lose.

Do not apologies to anyone for being who you are. Because you are unique and a limited edition that even, God is proud to create. Don’t disappoint Him by being someone you’re not. You are a human being with your own individuality and own identity. Do not lose that identity for living an unhappy, imitated life and aimless existence. Instead, carry your true self, be original self and lead a happy and happening life.

Now, do yourself a favour. Throw away that mask right now, bring out the true you and show off to the world the priceless possession you’re. A wise person has said, “Don’t try to fit in, when you’re destined to stand out.”

P.S. – Finally, I’ve broken the promise (on my way to get my name in Guinness World Record) that I had made to myself in the beginning of this month. That was, I’m going to post every day this month. And I didn’t post yesterday. Hold on, broda! I couldn’t post yesterday as I had guests over my house and I was so engrossed in the conversation and other fun that I hardly had time to switch on the laptop and write a post. “I am so terrible blogger”, says in the most pathetic sympathetic voice ever.

I am so sorry, I broke your heart, please forgive me *starts howling like a month old baby*. You missed me, right? No? ‘kay. Bye. *again starts crying like a baby* I am never talking to you again. Just kidding! Please don’t go away. I like that notification which says “new comment, new like”. I will get you chocolate, but please, don’t take that notification away from me. Pinkie Promise.*snorts with laughter*